Prayer at Hope
It is our desire at Hope Church to be people of prayer, knowing that “Unless the Lord builds the house its builders labor in vain” (Psalm 127:1). We have a number of opportunities for people to be involved in prayer here at Hope:
First, it is our desire that prayer would be an important part of every facet of Hope Church, whether meeting in a Community Group, Bible Study, elder meeting, staff meeting, choir rehearsal…you name it! We desire that prayer would not simply be an obligatory way we briefly open and close meetings but that calling out to God in prayer would be a priority in all that we do.
Every day a list of prayer requests is sent out to hundreds of people. You can sign up to be on our prayer list.
Contact – Ken Wilisch
Every Sunday morning people are invited to come to the front of the sanctuary at the end of the service to receive prayer. You can either come receive prayer or you can sign up to be one of the Prayer Partners who prays for others.
Every Tuesday night a group meets on Zoom from 7:00-8:00pm to pray, worshiping the Lord and lifting before Him the needs of our congregation, our community, our nation and the world.
Contact – Ken Wilisch
Every Tuesday morning from 8:45-9:30am a group of women gathers in Room 106 to pray.
Contact – Margaret Kim
Every couple of months, people from the congregation join with the elder board on a Tuesday night for a prayer meeting, asking God to be at work in and through us in mighty ways for His glory. We also gather on the National Day of Prayer in May.
Each Community Group has a “Prayer Champion,” someone who leads the community in their times of prayer and who seeks to deepen the life of prayer in that community. You could volunteer to be a Prayer Champion for your community.
These groups meet once a month for an hour of prayer, asking God to be glorified in and through Hope Church as He deepens us in The LIFE that He came to give us, a life of receiving God’s grace, loving God, loving people, and helping one another multiply.
Looking for prayer?
We would love to pray for you.
Click the link below, fill out the form, and know that our Lead Team will lift up your request.