Our Purpose
We want to see the Gospel made accessible to all as the Body of Christ shows equal to concern for people with disabilities and their families, by providing care, resources, and opportunities to Live the Life at Hope. We offer a place for friends with special needs to find value, belonging, and hope in Jesus, and parents of young and adult children with special needs to engage in The LIFE at Hope. We do this in a variety of ways. Sunday morning ministry includes the resource room, and buddies for friends in age-appropriate classrooms, weekday opportunities include Capernaum, Top Soccer, and Friends for Life.
We minister because...
- No physical, mental or spiritual condition is outside the transforming power of the Gospel.
- Every person bears the image of God and infinitely valued and given purpose by Him.
- The Gospel demands our compassion and respect for all.
- Disabilities can be special abilities to experience God’s grace.
- People with special needs have families with special needs.
- The Body of Christ is not complete without people with special needs.
- The Body of Christ is called to fully include people with disabilities and receives blessings in return.
Weekly Gatherings
Sunday Mornings
Currently we provide buddies and/or accommodations for both our 9:00am and 10:45am services. Our resource room is open during our 10:45am service. In order to provide the best possible experience, we ask that you call the Special Needs Director prior to your first visit with us Hope. This will allow us to find the best way to support your family.
Friends for Life
Friends for Life is a ministry of Hope Church for adults with disabilities. We meet most Monday nights for Bible study and social connection. Check out our Ministry Calendar for our schedule.
Young Life Capernaum
Young Life Capernaum leaders have the privilege of knowing and sharing their lives with teenagers and young adults with disabilities ages 14-22 in order that they may be transformed by the Gospel. Capernaum meets most Monday nights for Bible study and once a month on Saturdays for Club.
Contact – Abby Messer
Serving Opportunities
The special needs team provides a one-on-one buddy for a child that requires assistance in our typical Sunday morning Kids’ Ministry classes. Buddies are trained to work with a particular child or children.
Contact – Theresa Messer
We need adults and youth who can serve in our resource room with kids and adults that need a more self-contained environment. Training will be provided.
Contact – Theresa Messer